About Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets
You are a visitor to the cyberpunk planet of Cyborian V, where a group of cyberscientists known as the Helix Syndicate needs your help.
Hunt and collect alien DNA for them to discover your very own alien companion and unlock its secrets.
The syndicate promises rewards beyond your wildest dreams for your service. Earn achievements, and prizes, and discover the galaxy in this epic grid-wide hunt.
The hunt runs from May 1st to June 14th but the Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets items are ready for sale now! If you own a parcel, a sim, a store, or a club and are willing to allow public access, all you need to do is go to the Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets Hunt Starting point or visit MadPea on the Marketplace.
Purchase your Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets items, either individually or by the bundle, hide them, and watch as hunters come running!
MadPea Unlimited Members get a 25% discount on all MadPea Mainstore items* INCLUDING the hunt items.
*discount does not apply to gift cards or items bought with store credit.
Why be in the hunt?
If you’re wondering why you should get involved as a Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets location, with over 40,000 peas hunting you can imagine the number of visitors to your parcel, sim, store, or club.
Picture the increase in traffic to your location and calculate the potential increase in sales since peas love to shop.
Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets items can be bought and placed out however they will not activate until the hunt starts.
Remember that you can buy and hide Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets Hunt items during the duration of the hunt.
Cosmic Conquest Alien Secrets hunt tokens will be sold individually as follows:
“Adenine & Guanine Vials” last 24 hours once rezzed and cost L$500 (worth 10 points to hunters)
“Cytosine & Thymine Vials” last 48 hours once rezzed and cost L$1000 (worth 20 points to hunters)
“Uracil Vials” last 72 hours once rezzed and cost L$1500 (worth 35 points to hunters)
“Mutation Vials” last 120 hours once rezzed and cost L$2500 (worth 50 points to hunters)
“Planetary Bundle” contains Three 24-hour vials plus Two 48-hour vials and costs L$3000
“Solar System Bundle” contains Four 24-hour vials, plus Four 48-hour vials, and costs L$5000
“Megaverse Bundle” contains Nine 24-hour vials, Nine 48-hour vials, Six 72-hour vials, Three 120-hour vials and costs L$20000
Step 1: After unpacking, rez the item called “Landing Point” where you would like hunters to land. This will allow your land to be registered with the hunt as a location.
Step 2: Rez your vials on your land. Please make sure you hide them where hunters can access them. If they are on a different platform, please make sure there is a public teleporter available.
Step 3: Get ready for hunters! 😀 Remember that the hunt begins May 1st and that June 14th is the last day of the hunt.
NOTE: Hunters will be able to find your vials once every 24 hours for the vials that last longer than a day.
• Do not hide the objects inside cupboards or other closed items that can’t be opened by anyone! They need to be visible (when activated) and available for hunters to get close to them. While we want the hunters to search, we don’t want them frustrated.
• Please ensure the parcel where you hide your hunt object is set to public access or people will not be able to enter to find the hidden hunt objects.
• It is against the rules to make the hunters pay to enter a parcel or pay to join a group to enter. If a location like that is reported to us, we will deactivate any hunt objects on that parcel.
• Please Note: Repeated complaints about a sim or parcel using banning or security orbs excessively can result in MadPea removing that location’s ability to participate in our hunts.
• Make sure your parcel has scripts enabled FOR EVERYONE or otherwise the hunt objects and HUD will not work correctly for the hunters. Please, remember that scripts being enabled for group members (and therefore working for you) does not mean our hunters will be able to use their HUDs correctly!
• Please note that the hunt objects & packages are no copy, so be careful when rezzing. It’s often tricky on mesh surfaces and it’s good to rez a regular prim first to rez your hunt objects on. If you lose your objects due to ‘Unable to rez,’ it usually comes back to your inventory after a relog.
• Once the hunt has started, pay attention to the duration time of the hunt objects, as they will vanish after their time is up. You can check how much time is left by clicking the object; the time left will be in the menu dialog. (This information will not look correct before the hunt starts.) Your hunt object will also send you a message when it expires. This also means if you rez a hunt object and then pick it back up into your inventory, the timer has started and will continue to count down, as well as show as a registered item on your sim/parcel. Do not rez a hunt object unless you are certain you will keep it out